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How To Prepare For Blizzard 2015

As winter storm Juno fast approaches Connecticut, there are some preparations that you should make before the storm hits. Make sure you have the items below on hand to be prepared for the storm’s potential blizzard like conditions, that could cause you to lose your power, heat, and telephone service.


Big power failures can disrupt your water supply, which makes it very important to have plenty of clean drinking water for each member of your household. The rule of thumb is three-quarters of a gallon, per person per day, which equals three quarts. You may also want to have some extra clean water for washing, food preparation, and to flush your toilet if your water is shut off.


You should always have three days’ worth of non-perishable food on hand. High-energy foods like dried fruit, canned products, dry cereal, and crackers make good options.

Flashlights/Matches and Candles

Have plenty of them, and plenty of extra batteries. If possible, purchase a hand-cranked flashlight, which will work even after its batteries run out. Matches and candles will also suffice.


If you lose your heat during the storm, a wood fire will provide warmth. Make sure you have a large pile of dry wood available, and that your fireplace is clean and ready to go by clicking here.

Other Essentials

Aside from food, water, and heat, you will also want to have first-aid supplies handy. As always, Tracy-Driscoll can be reached at 860-589-3434, with any questions regarding home, auto, business, life, and health insurance.